欧洲文化入门课件(An Introduction to European Culture).ppt免费全文阅读

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欧洲文化入门课件(An Introduction to European Culture).ppt免费全文阅读

  Different emphasis Italy: art France: literature England: philosophy, drama Germany: religion Characteristics Spread of Humanism Return to classical values Beginning of objective sci. inquiry Flourish of literature and art Geographic discoveries Humanism A philosophy to assert greatness of man: physical beauty + power of reason A movement to restore human value of ancient classics as opposed to scholasticism 经院哲学of the M. Ages. Bourgeois in nature, against feudalism, paving the way for the rising capitalism Religious Revolution A 16th C. religious, social, political movement Aim: to oppose absolute authority of Roman Catholic church and replace it with the authority of the Bible Disputes: (1) who is the supreme authority, the Church or Bible? (2) Can individuals communicate directly with God? (indulgences) Beginning: M. Luther’s 95 theses (Wittengerg威登堡church) Result: split of church Reformers’ practice Translate Bible into vernaculars Simplify church rituals Abolishing indulgences 赎罪券 Reform church Oppose church interference with naitonal eco. And politics Peasant war Martin Luther Founder of Protestant Church 95 theses Against indulgences Started religious reform which extended to eco and poli. liberation from church control Translate Bible into German vernacular Fighter for democracy and nationalism Ideal of equality Split of Christianity 395 A.D.: Roman Empire- West and East 476: W.RE ended 1054: Catholic ? R. Catholic & Orthodox 1453: end of E.RE (Byzantium) 1520s: R. Catholic ? Catholic & Protestant (Calvinism瑞, Huguenot法, Presbyterianism苏, Anglican英, etc.) After 1620: Quacker, Methodism美, etc.) Reformation in England Focus: Pope vs. King (Germany: church vs. Bible) J. Knox established Presbyterian church Wycliffe translated English Bible Herry VIII broke with Pope (on marriage) Act of supremacy of 1534 Closing monasteries and seizing land Counter Reformation Spain became the base of church reform, establishment of Inquization Council of Trent: stres
